Chico Bakery - Morgantown, WV
Founder Samuel Chico, Sr. decided to open a small bakery as a subdivision of Chico Dairy Company to offer a line of cakes, donuts, cookies and breads to go along with the dairy products. The small bakery continued to operate until the new owner Sam A. Chico, Jr., decided that his mother Julia’s pepperoni roll recipe was simply too good to be kept just for the family. Moving into a larger building, Sam began to mass produce Julia’s Pepperoni Rolls® and Chico Bakery — Home of Julia’s Pepperoni Rolls® was created.
Julia’s Pepperoni Rolls® were an instant local hit. Soon, mothers were packing these ready to eat treats in their children’s lunches. Workers would take them to work as an easy, convenient, fast lunch. They are an instant snack and can be carried just about anywhere. The rest is pepperoni roll history!
The bakery continued to operate geared to the local business until third generation owner Sam A. Chico, III decided he wanted Chico Bakery to be the largest producer of pepperoni rolls in the United States. With hard work, lots of determination and the high quality of Julia’s Pepperoni Rolls®, Sam was able to reach this goal in three short years.
Chico Bakery now produces and ships Julia’s Pepperoni Rolls® all over the Eastern United States and continues to grow. With the great quality and the simple idea, everyone, in any state, will soon be able to grab a Julia’s Pepperoni Roll® from their local store and try one for themselves. Visit Their Website